backtest our models
Explore the performance of our models for all supported cryptocurrencies in the charts below. Our backtesting charts display both “HODL” (blue line) and “MODL” (green line) returns. HODL represents the percentage gained by holding a token, and MODL represents the percentage profit of our latest model. So if the HODL line is at 5x on the y-axis while MODL is at 20x, it means the MODL would have performed 4 times better from the period trading started.
Our models are thoroughly tested
Please note that our fee calculations are based on Binance’s fees, which are currently 0.075% per trade. To achieve comparable results, we recommend using the Binance exchange and enabling “pay fees in BNB” in the main menu.
However, please bear in mind that backtesting a model does not guarantee future success as the market can change. Read more. Our backtesting was done using all historical data available on Binance.
Our models are typically outperforming holding the token in the long term. However, do not expect the model to quickly gain profits.
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